April 15, 2018

After watching this, I am convinced there is no impression too difficult for Kate McKinnon. It's not just the look, which is easily achievable for someone who can do a believable impression of Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, III. It's the whole package -- the body language and of course, the script.

In Ingraham-like fashion, she tosses out the obvious question: “After spewing venom for decades, Twitter has suddenly made me accountable?”

There are new sponsors. I particularly liked Lady Bump Stock, "the lightweight bump stock for delicate hands." I'm sure it would match nicely with the pink AR-15s they market to women.

After declaring that she could withstand any attack by the "totalitarian left, she vowed, “But I will continue to protect the First Amendment: that’s my right to bully people without being bullied in return.”

Perfect, Kate. Perfect.

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