Game Of Thrones Dead Pool: Who Will Survive?
Credit: HBO PR
April 27, 2019

We've waited a long time for season 8 episode 3, which headlines the long awaited battle between the Night King, Jon Snow and the forces gathered at Winterfell.

Since the shocking beheading of Ned Stark in the penultimate episode of season one, viewers have come to expect that no one is safe in the world created by George RR Martin.

There's been much speculation around the web on who will survive Sunday night's battle.

If I had to choose I would say Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen will survive, but everyone else is up for grabs. I’m skeptical that anyone in the crypt will survive, but it could be interesting to see who springs to life.

In our latest C&L poll, we've allowed multiple choices for your answers so you can vote on as many people as you like.

If I've missed anyone that you think belongs just put them in the comments.

You can also tell us who you want to die.

Can you help us out?

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