Stephen Moore, Donald Trump's economic advisor, has been nominated for a seat on the Federal Reserve since mid-March. However, given how quickly the similar nomination of Herman Cain tanked, it appears that the Trump administration is willing to slow walk Moore to test for reluctance by Senate Republicans.
Hopefully, we can flood the national dialog with little gems like this to make Moore--who is curiously well-respected within conservative circles despite not being terribly smart , a deadbeat dad and tax scofflaw--as toxic to support for Republicans worried about re-election as Cain.
In the past, Moore, a former Trump campaign adviser and economic commentator, has said he believes capitalism is more important than democracy, and criticized the Fed board. “Capitalism is a lot more important than democracy,” Moore said. “I’m not even a big believer in democracy.” “There’s no bigger swamp in Washington than the Federal Reserve Board,” Moore said in a February interview posted on Vimeo. “It’s filled with hundreds of economists who are worthless... They should all be... fired.”
It's pretty simple: when people tell you who they are, BELIEVE THEM.