Bret Baier's fear-mongering question about government-run health care did not get the usual Fox News audience reaction. Doubtless many Bernie Sanders supporters in the audience but still something to see on state television.
Source: Vox
After Sanders answered an audience question about why government-provided versus private-sector health care by outlining his health care proposal, Baier decided to poll the audience about it, asking people if they’d prefer it to their current, private-sector-provided health insurance. (That frame evokes Barack Obama’s famous promise that “If you like your healthcare, you can keep it” — something conservatives and Fox News frequently point to as a symbol of Obamacare’s broken promises.)
The poll ... did not go the way Baier appears to have thought it would.
BRET BAIER: “I want to ask the audience a question,” said Baier. “If you could raise your hand here, show of hands of how many people get their insurance from their work, private insurance, right now, how many get it from private insurance.”
“Okay. Now of those, how many are willing to transition to what the senator says, a government-run system?”
And just as many hands stayed in the air as people cheered.