On Tuesday evening a bill requiring all presidential and vice presidential candidates to disclose the last 5 years of their tax returns in order to appear on Washington state ballots passed the Senate floor. The bill, sponsored by Sen. Patty Kuderer (D-Bellevue), passed 28 to 21 along party lines, because of course it did.
If Gov. Inslee ends up signing this bill, Donald Trump, Mike Pence, and Joe Bernie Sanders Warren Harris would have to show us the money if they want to get a vote from a single Washingtonian.
Twenty-six other states have introduced similar legislation, but so far none have taken. Two years ago, California’s Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed a similar bill that passed through both chambers there.”
This is pretty cool!
And of course Gov. Inslee will sign it: he’s always shown his returns, and as a contender in the 2020 Goat Rodeo this shows he means bidness about transparency.
That said I’m not sure for the 2020 Goat Rodeo it will matter that much. Comrade Stupid is unlikely to win Washington and might decide to skip being on the ballot altogether, while the Democrats have pretty much always released their tax returns. It will undoubtedly be challenged in court, which should make the State Rights Conservatives squirm, but as election laws are left to the states I see little chance this could wind up before The Virgin Mayor of Keg City Brett Kavanaugh to decide.
Come’on, 26 other states, let’s get on it!