December 30, 2018

And the House Republicans leave the majority with not a bang, but a whimper.

After blustering for two years about investigating the FBI for malfeasance ---the way they handled the Hillary email investigation (they didn't actually find her guilty of anything, did they?) and the Russian ties to Trump (which are clearly overblown and totally natural and probably made up by them to undermine Trump anyway)--the House GOP has quietly closed down their investigation without any finding of guilt or negligence.

In a letter released Friday evening, less than a week before Republicans cede the House majority to Democrats, the chairmen of two House committees described what they said was the "seemingly disparate treatment" the two probes received during the presidential election in 2016 and called on the Justice Department to appoint a special counsel to investigate further.

House Judiciary Chairman Robert Goodlatte and Rep. Trey Gowdy, House Oversight and Government Reform chairman, both of whom are retiring next week, sent a letter to the Justice Department and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell saying they reviewed thousands of documents and conducted interviews that "revealed troubling facts which exacerbated our initial questions and concerns."

Uh huh. Gowdy and Goodlatte's version of "troubling facts" are private texts between FBI agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, that did nothing to impact any investigation or outcome of the election.

That didn't stop Trump from tweeting about it.

None of that is true, obviously, but when has that ever stopped him?

But here's what I don't get: this investigation, like basically EVERY single Republican-led investigation, this has resulted in BUPKIS. NADA. NIL. ZILCH. Just a whole lot of money and even more grandstanding. And yet, the media treats each and every one of these investigations as something valid and legitimate.

How long will this keep going? Or wait, the media will suddenly get concern over politically-motivated investigations with no results when the Dems get the majority.

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