December 11, 2018

It's been a dark week for Donald Trump. He's probably in felony-land with the Michael Cohen payoffs to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal, his campaign manager just blew up his cooperation agreement with the Special Counsel's office, and his first National Security Adviser is going to be sentenced this week. Oh, and his choice to replace John Kelly as Chief of Staff raised a hand and said, "Buh-bye!"

I'm sure Trumpy thought it would cheer him up to have some fun with Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi over the wall and a government shutdown, while serving some red meat to his base at the same time. He held a press opportunity with them in the White House, and it didn't go so well. Worse yet, the person who really humiliated him was Nancy Pelosi, as Aliza wrote Tuesday night.

"Mr. President — Mr. President, please don’t characterize the strength that I bring to this meeting as the leader of the House Democrats, who just won a big victory."

DO YOU HEAR THAT??? The STRENGTH she brings to the meeting as the LEADER of the HOUSE DEMOCRATS who just won a BIG VICTORY which, if I may finish the sentence with the unspoken implied obvious thought that makes your tiny spotted mushroom shrivel up into your bladder, GIVES US SUBPOENA POWER OVER YOU AND YOUR FAMILY NEED I SAY MORE?

After Pelosi and Schumer left him with cardboard Mike Pence who never moved and a smarting, red butt where they whupped it, Trump got pissy, according to reports.

Los Angeles Times reporter Eli Stokols tweeted that after the meeting, "Trump stormed out of the Oval Office right after the Pelosi-Schumer meeting ended, flicking away a folder and scattering briefing materials in frustration," according to a staffer who witnessed it.

Stokols also said his source told him Trump was especially annoyed with Schumer (yeah, sure he was). Apparently Schumer's refusal to look at Trump and instead commenting to pool cameras made Baby Boy Trump angrier.

On the other hand, Stokols said staffers "were more rattled that he’d just accepted responsibility for a possible shutdown." Gee, ya think?

As a parting shot, the staffer said that nothing much happened after the cameras were turned off -- shocking, I know. In the words of the staffer, “Once the president has been aggravated to that level, there’s no coming back from that and re-focusing.“

Oh, poor baby! Rock him and put him down for a little nap, or maybe some "executive time." Fox News was working overtime Tuesday to soothe his hurt fee-fees, after all.

He'd best toughen up, because Nancy Pelosi is not going to back down like Paul Ryan has. She is here to hold him accountable. That's what she promised, and she's already delivering. I fully expect more temper tantrums in the foreseeable future.

By the way, if you prefer the video in Chipmunk form, Twitter has obliged:

Footnote: Yes, I know the image and video say "pentulant," but the tweet has it right and the video is hilarious.

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