I am informed that today is "Giving Day". Hand it over!
On the other hand, one might not want to give to the Salvation Army, per Politicalprof.
Every day also gives us a further demonstration of the depth of our Poor Little Rich Boy's ignorance: From The Great Orange Satan, "Trump reckoned that the U.S. was paying top military leaders millions per year". (Actual salary? Why, $186,998.40. Before taxes, I assume.)
Here's a perennial heart-warmer, for the holidays or any time, from Raw Story: Ayn Rand & the Safety Net.
Something horrible from Angry Bear: The letter Spectrum Health Richard DeVos Heart & Lung Transplant Center sent to one of their victims. Where are the pitchforks & torches?
Bonus The More Things Change Track: The Immoral Minority brings us a Dr. Seuss cartoon, unfortunately timely again.
By M. Bouffant, whose unhinged rantings, ravings & veiled threats are available at WEB OF EVIL (& ENNUI).