October 17, 2018

FOX News Nazi Laura Ingraham tried to connect the open borders myth she pushes with a mythical movement to give mythical immigrants the right to vote. In the process, she even imagined that immigrants would probably all vote for Democrats (WUT?).

She used screaming dog whistle words:

- Open Border Democrats
- Abolish Illegal Immigration
- MS-13 GANG
- Democrats want to abolish ICE (false)
- Ending Birth Right Citizenship
- E-Verify to punish people that game the system

She ended with this gem: Democrats "want to replace YOU the American voters with newly amnestied citizens and an ever increasing number of chain migrants."

I'm waiting for Laura to do the sieg heil gesture (again) and declare "Heil Trump" as she goose-steps off the set. Can it be far off?

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