Ingraham says Bakari Sellers is "sporting an accent." Here's an accent for ya, why does Fox keep Laura Ingraham on the air?
April 27, 2021

Maybe Fox News keeps Laura Ingraham on the air so she can fart out the casual racism that particular audience craves.

She sure was racist on Monday night: Bakari Sellers was "sporting an accent” she never heard him use on TV before.

And so the latest "cops kill an unarmed Black man" story gets "covered" by Laura Ingraham as she focuses on what she perceives to be the lawyer for Andrew Brown Jr's family, Bakari Sellers, "sporting an accent."

The chairman of the Democratic National Committee didn't sugarcoat it.


Neither did the rest of Twitter:

UPDATED: Bakari Sellers responds, saying his father always told him don't argue with a fool, you don't know who's watching and they can't tell the difference.

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