September 6, 2018

Sen. Patrick Leahy said Wednesday that emails being withheld by Senate Republicans show that SCOTUS nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, may have lied under oath during prior confirmation hearings in 2004 and 2006, ie, PERJURY. By a JUDGE!!!

Huffington post reports that "six emails from Kavanaugh’s time in the George W. Bush White House may contradict testimony Kavanaugh gave when being confirmed for his federal judgeships. But according to Leahy, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) has labeled the emails as “committee confidential,” meaning they can’t be released to the public."

Leahy said on Wednesday: “There is simply no reason they can’t be made public.”

So what are they hiding? So far Grassley only requested about 10% of the documents from Kavanaugh's time at the Bush White House and only 7% were provided. Of those, 189,000 are being *withheld* by Grassley. WHY?

Huffington Post reports that the "six emails in question related to a scandal from 2002 and 2003 in which a Republican Judiciary Committee staffer named Manny Miranda stole emails from the committee’s Democrats that included strategy memos about how they would question Bush’s judicial nominees."

Leahy alleges that Kavanaugh knew that he had received these stolen emails from Miranda. but lied when questioned about it during his 2004 and 2006 confirmation hearings.

When asked, under very tough questioning by Leahy, here was the exchange:

Kavanaugh: “I don’t really have a specific recollection of any of this, senator, but it would have not have been unusual [to say] ... ‘The Leahy people are looking into this and the Hatch people are looking into that.’”

Leahy: “Mr. Miranda forwarded you a letter from me and other Judiciary Democrats to then-Majority Leader Tom Daschle. The letter was clearly a draft. It had typos and it wasn’t signed. Somebody eventually leaked its existence to Fox News.”

Here’s the thing. You had the full text of my email in your inbox before anything was said about it publicly. Did you find it at all unusual to receive a draft letter from Democratic senators to each other before any mention of it was made public?”

Kavanaugh tried to dodge, saying that his only response was to ask “Who signed this?”

Here is the kicker - Leahy asked if Miranda ever suggested that Kavanaugh meet him off the White House or Capitol grounds.

Kavanaugh responded: “I can’t rule that out."

Leahy asked: “Did he ever hand you material separately from what would be emailed back and forth?”

Kavanaugh tried to dodge: “I don’t know the answer to that, senator.”

Leahy continued: “When you worked at the White House did anyone ever tell you they had a mole that provided them with secret info?”

Kavanaugh said he didn’t “recall the reference to a mole.”

Leahy asked specifically: “You never received an email from a Republican staff member with information claiming to come from spying?”

Kavanaugh again dodged “I’m not going to rule anything out. If I did, I wouldn’t have thought the literal meaning of that.”

Leahy dontinued: “Wouldn’t that surprise you that you got an email saying that they got that from somebody spying?”

Kavanaugh seemed nervous, said “Well, is there such an email, senator?”

Leahy asked Grassley: “We’d have to ask the chairman what he has in the confidential material.”


Today Senator Leahy brought the receipts:

And the final nail in the coffin:

Seems like Leahy has the receipts.

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