Just a reminder: the reason we are at this point today, why Kavanaugh's nomination hasn't been withdrawn in disgrace, is because Republican men from the so-called president on down EXCUSE RAPE.
And we don't need Sam Bee to express that for us but it's great that she did. Highlights, starting with the claim that Kavanugh's "life is being ruined":
SAMANTHA BEE: No one’s life is ruined if they don’t get to be on the Supreme Court! Lots of people aren’t on the Supreme Court. Are you really saying Rihanna has a worse life than Sonia Sotomayor? Sorry, Rihanna, you don’t get to judge interstate water reclamation.
Why would Republicans try to rush his nomination through faster when they found out about more allegations? That’s like realizing you have diarrhea and running away from the bathroom. That’s not really the right analogy, but I just really hope Mitch McConnell has diarrhea today.
Here’s a fun fact: Women are also running for office this year in unprecedented numbers. And all the things that you’re afraid we’re going to do when we get in office, we are going to do. Including filling the Capitol building with tampons and flowers, and putting all your rapist friends in jail.