July 24, 2018

Tucker Carlson tried to do what he does best: lie his stupid face off. This time he claimed a few days ago to have an exclusive breaking story about a supposed immunity deal that Mueller had given to Tony Podesta.

And how did Tucker start off this clip? By linking this supposed deal to Hillary Clinton, the Podesta Group and trying to make Manafort look like a martyr sitting in solitary confinement, facing life in prison, while Clinton connected folks get off scot-free.

Tucker said, "Tonight we can report exclusively based on two separate sources we spoke to today that Tony Podesta has been offered immunity by Robert Mueller to testify against Paul Manafort."

It was wrong. In fact, Podesta was not one of the 5 witnesses granted immunity today. Are these the same sources Bret Baier used to allege the Clinton Foundation was going to be indicted a week before the 2016 election?

Twitter mocked:


Shots fired:

The sad thing is, Fox viewers will believe this story, with no evidence to back it up, even after it comes out that Tony Podesta was offered no deal...MAGA hat wearers will regurgitate this story, just like Pizzagate, Uranium One, etc.

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