Leave it to John King to ignore 30 years of Newt Gingrich rhetoric, 'own the libs' politics, and blame both sides for "divisiveness and polarization."
July 5, 2018

John King used the Fourth of July as an opportunity to both-sider the politics of divisiveness in America.

"Why can't we all get along?" as he runs a clip of Mitch McConnell.


KING: Even the Fourth of July is subject to our polarization. Mitch McConnell says take the long view. America is 242 years old today. We'll be OK.

SEN. MITCH MCCONNELL (R), MAJORITY LEADER: Whether you're freaked out on the left or freaked out on the right, don't worry. Nobody can break this country.

KING: Can we at least all agree on that or no?

I don't think so, John. Because Patient Zero on the harsh polarization epidemic is Newt Gingrich, who has made a decades-long career blaming Democrats for every bad thing that hits the headlines, and you never noticed. Seriously, google "Newt Gingrich blames" (in quotation marks) and read the results.

Mark my words, John King will be Patient Zero of the media lifeboat enablers who make sure whatever is left of The Republican Party gets more than half the airtime and a rebranding that will make the Tea Party look like an organic movement.

Burn the lifeboats.

UPDATE: Brit Hume deletes a tweet indicating that Democrats don't love America.

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