What's more Apocalypse-proof than a cockroach or a Twinkie?
The Beltway Media Both Siderism of Mr. Chuck Todd. Transcript, please pay attention to what each of the people are talking about and notice which one changes the subject.
KATIE TUR: And Chuck, I just want to emphasize that a lot of that suspicion towards the media, towards health experts, towards politicians, it's not unique to this protest. It's the same thing that we have been seeing now since the rise of Donald Trump. we saw it in the -- during the rallies. People don't want to believe anything that doesn't come out of his mouth. and even when they don't necessarily believe what he was saying, they give him a lot of leeway, a lot of space for it. and that's largely what we're hearing at this protest here, as well. Chuck?
CHUCK TODD: We have to remember, we have a generation of the government letting down the public, whether it's on WMD's, the great recession, or this. So skepticism at government, you have to understand why it's out there. It's out there on the left and the right. and it's going to on up even during pandemics. It is something, we have to remember the climate of the last generation and why that has probably complicated the ability of some people to trust certain elected officials.
The alert reader will notice that "skepticism at government" was not what Katie Tur was talking about at all. She was delicately brushing up against the fact that Republican Trump supporters really are reprogrammable meatbags (tm) who believe anything that President Cornered Rat craps into their skulls.
But that subject is far too terrifying for Chuck Todd to deal with so it's time to Pivot!Pivot!Pivot! away to the only thing Chuck Todd knows how to do: blather on about something something the Left and the Right!
Well, let's see.
WMDs? That was a Republican administration lying us into the wrong war and Fox News and Hate Radio calling everyone who opposed that war a traitor.
The Great Recession? That was presided over by a Republican president who had left us with no financial reserves to deal with it, having pissed away the Clinton budget surpluses on tax cuts, and more tax cuts, and the aforementioned wrong war. The effects of the Great Recession were then greatly exacerbated by Republicans in Congress who were determined to sabotage anything President Obama tried to do to ease the suffering of millions of unemployed Americans.
And the botched American response to the COVID-19 pandemic? Well, from firing Obama's pandemic response team, to ignoring months of PDBs warning this was coming, to lying to the America people about every aspect of this catastrophe every single day, to packing the government with criminally incompetent goons and henchmen, this too is 100% the fault of the Republican in the White House and his enablers in the Congress.
What's more Apocalypse-proof than a cockroach wearing a Twinkie?
The Beltway Media Both Siderism of Mr. Chuck Todd.

Republished by permission from Driftglass