June 13, 2018

On CNN's New Day, Rep. Eric Swalwell described Democratic attempts to work with Republicans on stopping Russian election manipulation.

"Robert Mueller is trying to send a warning," Alisyn Camerota said.

"He said Russian intelligence agencies are trying to meddle in the midterms, meaning today. They are trying to meddle today, Mueller's office asserted, that was a Tuesday court filing. So what are we to make of this? Is Congress paying attention that it is happening in the here and now?"

"They never left after 2016," Swalwell replied. "They didn't see the unity here, they didn't see a president willing to confront their leader saying 'We know you did this. We're going to do all we can to stop it or you're going to pay.' So they feel emboldened. And they're going to go at us again, and I fear now that others are going to come onto the playing field and say, if Russia can do this, why can't we? "

"Are we helpless? Can we do anything?" Camerota asked.

"No, we're not helpless. Last year, Democrats asked Republicans -- we reiterated it just recently. Why not have a no-use truce, that if materials are stolen or hacked, we won't use it against you. You won't use it against us. That way we can show you have unity. But they won't take us up on that deal.

"I don't know why but it certainly doesn't protect us," Swalwell said.

So there you go. Republicans are afraid of their own shadows and are more willing to destroy the country then they are to stand up against Russian election fixing.

Remember when we used to watch WWII movies and wonder how Hitler came to power? This is how.

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