June 10, 2018

Abby Hunstman, host of the Fox News morning show Fox & Friends, on Sunday said that summit between North Korea leader Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump is a meeting between "two dictators."

During an interview with former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci, Huntsman interrupted to noted that Trump had arrived for the summit in Singapore.

"There is the president of the United States, Donald Trump, about to walk down those [Air Force Once] stairs, stepping foot in Singapore as we wait this historic summit with the North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un."

"Anthony, talk to us about this moment," she said, turning to Scaramucci. "This is history. We are living -- regardless of what happens in that meeting between the two dictators -- what we are seeing right now, this is historic."

Scaramucci agreed that Trump is a "disruptive" force in the world.

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