June 11, 2018

I wonder if Donald J. Effing Trump is getting a commission from all the co-branded bottles of water with Kim Jong Un?

Or maybe the fans with their images on them?

This "summit" is the most bogus sideshow I have seen yet. Here are some things Kim Jong-un knows about Trump that tell me he's playing him like a fiddle:

  1. Trump blew up the Iran deal -- a deal which was made to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.
  2. Trump lies about everything, no matter how small, no matter how trivial
  3. Trump is a vain, shallow puppet who will do his masters' bidding as long as it brings him praise from someone. It doesn't matter who.

And yet the media treats this like it is a Very Serious Thing when it's nothing more than a distraction and a moment for Trump to strut like the peacock he is.

But hey -- at least media will walk away with water bottles with dictators' faces on them and a fan with two sides to it. Maybe they're giving out keychains too. And challenge coins because why not?

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