As details unfold about the payments from multinational corporations to Trump fixer Michael Cohen, it's clearer that the expectation was that Cohen would either buy access or Trump's assistance with their issues.
AT&T Paid For Michael Cohen's Help To Secure Approval For Time-Warner Merger
Credit: Variety
May 11, 2018

As details unfold about the payments from multinational corporations to Trump fixer Michael Cohen, it's clearer that the expectation was that Cohen would either buy access or Trump's assistance with their issues.

According to an article just published by The Washington Post, AT&T expected Cohen's help with their merger with Time-Warner, which would require anti-trust regulators to sign off. Reporters reviewed documents signed three days after Trump was sworn into office.

Clearly they believed the investment in Cohen's "consulting" gifts could smooth the way for the merger with AT&T, but evidently $50,000 per month was simply not enough to convince Trump to bless the deal. Instead, regulators turned against AT&T, causing them to sue for the right to merge with Time-Warner.

Have you ever, in all your lives, seen such naked, unapologetic corruption? Every time I think I've seen it all, something like this emerges. As Stormy Daniels' lawyer Michael Avenatti wrote, "We are just getting started."

Yes, indeed. And Mueller is still coming.

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