April 17, 2018

While Fox News tries to downplay the Sean Hannity/Michael Cohen relationship by barely mentioning it during their broadcasts, MSNBC and CNN are asking many pertinent questions, especially when it comes to transparency.

Unfortunately, MSNBC employs Hugh Hewitt, who came up with the most ludicrous and disingenuous explanation to date as to why Trump's fixer, Michael Cohen, was forced to tell the courts he's Hannity's lawyer. The same day, Sean denied it entirely..

Hewitt opined that maybe Hannity didn't know he was a client of Cohen.

I kid you not.

After host Stephanie Ruhle wondered if Cohen has a lot of information in his office about Hannity, and he doesn't want it to get out there, guest attorney Midwin Charles says one of them is lying.

"One of them is not telling the truth," she said.

Professor Eddie Glaude wondered if Cohen was doing his typical hush money job for Hannity since that's the type of service Cohen offers to his very short client list.

Enter Hewitt, who served up the impossible.

Hewitt said, "I want to point out it is possible, not likely, but possible that Sean did not know he was a client of Michael Cohen he didn't know he was a client of Michael Cohen."

It's more probable that Putin has a pee-pee tape on Trump.

An incredulous Ruhle asked, "Why would Michael Cohen have him listed?"

Hewitt then babbled on about attorney-client privilege without knowing anything at all about the relationship between the Fox News host and Trump's fixer.

Hewitt concluded, "I want to point out it's possible for both of them to be telling the truth."

There you have it. Nobody lied at all.

We are living in the Upside Down.

Any nonsensical and irrational theory that one can think of will always be used by a Trump supporter.

Even Fox and Friends didn't go to these lengths.

You've almost done the impossible.

And Hewitt is getting paid for this hogwash.

Can you help us out?

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