April 20, 2018

NBC's Chuck Todd blasted Sean Hannity and Jeffrey Lord during an interview on The Bernie and Sid Show on New York's 77WABC.

After the Meet The Press host criticized Fox News for not disciplining Hannity for concealing that he's a client of Michael Cohen, it wasn't a lucky guess that Hannity would sic some of his minions on him.

And that minion was the former CNN race-baiting Trump surrogate Jeffrey Lord, who won a 2017 Crooky Award from C&L for being the pundit who should never return to cable news. And he did so by attacking Chuck Todd's wife and calling Chuck a hypocrite on Hannity.com and in The American Spectator.

In the interview, Todd told McGuirk and Rosenberg that he has disclosed everything his wife has done and that she has a mind of her own. He then repeated that the problem for Hannity was that he failed to disclose his ties with Michael Cohen.

“Because, for instance, I appear at a network with a peacock on it, a lot of people including some schmenge, some lackey that works for Sean Hannity and his website, just want to make an assumption. And just say, ‘Oh I’m going to get Chuck Todd, so let me see, he’s never done anything wrong on air, so I’m going to go after his wife.'”

I've used harsher words to describe Jeffrey Lord than a schmenge or lackey, but they work for Chuck.

Later on as McGuirk was defending Hannity and Lord, Chuck said,

“Hey Bernie you know why the world knows this? It’s been disclosed. Everything about my wife, and her work and her relationship to me, it’s all on the internet because I’ve publicly said something at various times when I have felt that it’s necessary.”

“The difference is, Sean Hannity chose not to talk about his professional relationship with Michael Cohen publicly until forced to in the courtroom,” Todd said.
Todd also railed against Hannity in the interview for “going personal” and “bringing my wife into this.”

“You’re trying to sully me because my wife is an individual thinker in her life?!” Todd asked.

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