After an entire night of despicable Jeffrey Lord train wreck appearances on CNN, it's time that CNN finally answers the question so many viewers are asking: What value does Jeffrey Lord provide CNN and its viewers?
The idea that Bakari Sellers, a former member of the South Carolina House of Representatives is asked to discuss and describe the uncouthness which encapsulates almost every one of Jeffery Lord's appearances is almost as offensive.
The latest disaster on CNN's airwaves perpetrated by Lord was when he said, "Think of Donald Trump as the Martin Luther King of health care."
You really don't need anything more to evaluate the kind of disgraceful segment that came afterwards.
Lord took so much heat that he wrote an explanation that CNN posted on their website. "Why I compared Trump to MLK"
The title is enough to make your stomach turn and all you need to know how awful this man's mind works.
He writes, "In fact, I made a comparison between Trump and King deliberately and with reason. Both men used or are threatening to use crisis to pass legislation."
Say, what? Not one person in America would ever equate MLK threatening legislation to Trump, ever.
Lord was shocked that people were upset with his words and since he was on Skype, he couldn't tell how he affected the CNN segment as well.
That's a load of crap because he knows exactly how his horrendous words and bogus analogies play out on TV since he's caused more than one ruckus on CNN with Van Jones.
But CNN then booked Lord to appear on Anderson Cooper's AC360 to boot.
Cooper started by saying, " Alright, Jeff. I want to give you a chance to explain exactly what you meant by your earlier comments."
No! Cut the mics, stop the cameras and don't roll tape.
We don't need to hear Lord explain "exactly what he meant."
We know all he wanted to do was equate some part of Trump to the accomplishments of Martin Luther King, Jr., a man who was pivotal in fighting for racial equality in America and was assassinated for defending the civil rights of the African American community.
So, no, Anderson. His explanation is not necessary.
After Lord finished with his opening remarks, Cooper turned to Bakari and said, "Does that make sense?"
Sellers said, "No, I don't think it make sense to me. I think it's an affront to Dr. King's legacy, but what this is further emblematic of is that Donald Trump has ushered in this culture of anti-intellectualism and ignorance. I think that the comparison that Jeffrey made is intellectually disingenuous at best."
Bakari told the CNN audience that Lord perverted King's letter from the Birmingham jail.
"You cannot compare the two or juxtapose the two. I have a sincere problem with this because people often think in our political discourse, somehow ignorance can be cavalier," Sellers explained. "My father marched with Dr. King, many were beaten and killed so I could sit here on this set today."
He continued, "The fact somebody who can make the comparison, even somebody a friend of mine shows just how low our political discourse has sunken."
The segment was almost ten minutes long, and after some back and forth, with Lord again trying to defend his vacuous syllables, Cooper gave Sellers the last word.
Bakari said, "This is indicative of where our political climate has gone, you hear them rewriting history and this is so fundamentally unjust, this is intellectually dishonest, an epidemic of anti-intellectualism and even more important from somebody like Jeffrey they need to know it's disrespectful -- it's an affront, and I will not let it go."
Jeff Zucker or whoever is in charge of these proceedings needs to explain the point of constantly having Jeffrey Lord on to pervert history and the legacy of the battle for civil rights in America.
It can't be for the norms of debate among disagreeing parties. It's not for educational purposes and I certainly would call what Lord does "entertainment" either.
Can it be that Zucker is willing to put on a serial propagandist for extra ratings or clicks or views?
Is that really all it is?