February 8, 2018

In 2018, the Republican Party will run a real, live Nazi for Congress. Let that sink in for a minute.

Source: The Hill

CNN’s Alisyn Camerota on Thursday confronted the Holocaust denier who is the sole GOP candidate running for an Illinois House seat.

Arthur Jones, a self-described former leader of the American Nazi Party who is running as a Republican to unseat Rep. Daniel Lipinski (D), is uncontested for the GOP nomination in the state’s Democratic-leaning third congressional district.
“Mr. Jones, It is shocking to hear how vocally and unapologetically racist you are,” she said after playing a clip of Jones speaking at a Neo-Nazi gathering, “Are you a Nazi?”

“I don’t call myself a Nazi,” Jones said, claiming that he has not been formally involved with Nazi organizations “since 1990.” “I call myself an American patriot and statesman,” he said.
“You dress in Nazi garb, you celebrate Hitler’s birthday,” she said. “You’re a Nazi!”

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