January 30, 2018

When it comes to "standing up to sexual harassment," Ronna Romney McDaniel has two exceptions:

1. Donald Trump, obviously.
2. Money the RNC could be earning interest on before returning or maybe everybody will just forget about the money by then, amirite?

She was asked on America's Newsroom to respond to Sean Spicer's comments that the RNC should return the donations, noted to be hundreds of thousands of dollars, in light of the accusations facing former RNC finance chair and Vegas billionaire Steve Wynn.

She name-checked Harvey Weinstein and Al Franken before declaring how serious these charges were and that Steve himself was chucked in less than 24 hours.

But as far as the MONEY is concerned, we should wait for the full investigation to play out because "due process."

Dollars over people, Ronna? How very Republican of you.

PS. Fox never asked her about the porn star hush money.

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