December 28, 2017

As Karoli wrote in August:


Cantwell was also caught on camera by Vice News while shooting their documentary about the Charlottesville Nazi invasion. In that video, he bragged about having a pistol and readying himself for violence, which is a thing he supports as long as he faces no personal risk. “We’re not non-violent, we’ll fcking kill these people if we have to," he declared.

He also shares his horror with Vice News over Ivanka Trump's marriage to a Jew. "I don't think you could feel the way I do about race, and watch that Kushner bastard walk around with that beautiful girl," he snarls.

Cantwell is a big talker, except when he's facing the consequences of his hateful actions. Then he cries like a bitty baby.

In his best performance yet, he made a video of himself blubbering about being afraid he's going to be arrested. Boo-fcking-hoo.

Cantwell said he called the Charlottesville Police Department and was told there is a warrant out for his arrest. This has apparently caused him a great deal of concern.

“I don’t know what to do. I need guidance,” Cantwell blubbered, as he wiped away tears. (So much for that whole "underestimating" thing, right?)

He's especially afraid of Chelsea Manning, who he claims has threatened to "curb-stomp" Nazis. Perhaps he should simply turn away from the Nazi life instead of whining in YouTube videos about it.

Cryin' Chris should have considered the consequences before he lit up his Tiki torch and marched down Charlottesville streets shouting fascist slogans and threatening people.

This video is number nine in our countdown of the most watched videos of the year 2017.


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