The NRA should be very proud of themselves for holding off rational gun control this long. But their time is coming.
Happy Sandy Hook Anniversary, NRA!
December 14, 2017

I wonder: Will the NRA headquarters have a cake to celebrate today, do you think? "If we kept them from regulating guns even after a classroom full of little kids was slaughtered, we're invincible!" Right, Wayne?

Here are the names of the children who died on that heartbreaking day in Connecticut, five years ago:

Charlotte Bacon. Daniel Barden. Olivia Engel. Josephine Gay. Dylan Hockley. Catherine Hubbard. Chase Kowalski. Jesse Lewis. Ana Marquez-Greene. James Mattioli.

Madeleine Hsu. Grace McDonnell. Emilie Parker. Noah Pozner. Jack Pinto. Caroline Previdi. Avielle Richman. Jessica Rekos. Benjamin Wheeler. Allison Wyatt.

This year, they would have been sixth graders.

Six teachers were killed, too: Rachel D’Avino, Dawn Hochsprung, Anne Marie Murphy, Lauren Rousseau, Vicki Soto, Mary Sherlach.

That was the day we saw how little certain political groups cared about victims. To them, the real victims are gun manufacturers. That's why they exempted them from the same liability laws that cover other industries.

And then we have the tender feelings of far too many men who use a gun to define their own masculinity. As usual, we will mark the holiday season by at least one family slaughter committed by a rejected man.

But in 2018, Wayne, we're coming for you. We're going to get control of the House, and maybe the Senate.

By this time next year, we will have finally taken steps to prevent the slaughter of small children. Maybe their deaths will no longer be in vain.

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