David Cicilline was spitting fire at a hearing advocating tighter restrictions on access to guns, laying waste to hollow, cynical arguments from the GOP whining about the loss of their second amendment rights that they pretend might follow.
The Democratic rep from Rhode Island had just about enough hypocrisy from Republicans who continue to rage about denying mass murders access to their tools of destruction. Cicilline had no patience for his bloodthirsty colleagues who whined that "to deny them that right would quote, 'trample on an individual's due process and second amendment rights.'"
He spat out at them, "You know who didn't have due process? Who didn't have their Constitutional right to life respected? The kids at Parkland, and Sandy Hook, Uvalde, and Buffalo, and the list goes on and on. So spare me the bullshit about Constitutional rights..."
At which point a GOP gun-licker interrupted him, demanding, "Will the gentleman yield?"
Cicilline refused, laying down the law: "No, I will not yield, and I'm not gonna yield for my entire five minutes, so don't ask again," before he continued on to make the rest of his remarks.
THIS is how we handle cynical, greedy, heartless Republicans beholden only to the NRA and their own lust for power. You remind them that you are in charge.