Donald Trump got up this morning and readied himself for another day of work on the golf course by fortifying himself with a heavy dose of Fox and Friends.
After his New York Times interview, Trump needed some affirmation, apparently, so he turned to his friends on the curvy couch for comfort and adoration.
And then...they had an innocuous report on Amazon's growth and how many jobs they're creating worldwide, enraging the delusional old dude before he had even tossed back his second Diet Coke.
To the Twitters, he went!
It wasn't just enough to hate-tweet Amazon, but he got a two-fer by slamming the United States Postal Service in the process.
I doubt it's Amazon Trump hates. It's Jeff Bezos, who personally owns the Washington Post, a newspaper which has done some actual journalism over the past year and which is likely doing more. After all, that New York Times stream-of-consciousness distraction was largely prompted by Trump's absolute need to repeat that there was "no collusion: at least sixteen times. That, combined with his sunrise rant, suggests that the Washington Post may have a story coming. One the Tweeter-in-Chief does not like.
Whatever the case, he should leave the U.S. Postal Service alone. They wouldn't be losing money if it weren't for Republicans and their privatization fetish. I appreciate the fact that my Amazon packages arrive via the U.S. Postal Service on time. It's only those private companies that manage to screw up the order or deliver it to the wrong address.
Did you also notice that he ignored the part of the report about all the jobs Amazon creates? We can have a reasonable discussion about whether those jobs pay enough or have adequate working conditions, but they are jobs nevertheless. Why does Donald Trump hate jobs?
I guess they're only worth bragging about when white dudes in Appalachia want them, eh?
Oh, and he caused Amazon's stock price to dip, too.
Update 2: Fox News has now completed the circle of life.