We don't need to waste any time going over how fake the Uranium One story is. Joy Ann Reid debunked the whole thing this past October in the video above, which is in our archives and can be accessed by anyone with internet. (Support our fundraiser to keep those servers paid for and thank you.)
But Jeff Sessions must do something, anything, to keep Fox News humming, and given that Fox has jumped right into a hot vat of sedition challenging the Mueller investigation (see Judge Jeanine alone calling for handcuffs for FBI investigators) Sessions is likely doing Fox a big favor giving them Hillary Hate pancakes to flip instead of something that is actually going to result in convictions of Trump's inner circle.
And let's not forget that Sean Hannity and Steve Bannon are the principal fire starters under the fake Uranium One story. Kudos to Stephanie Ruhle for calling Sean out on Twitter:
And now the whole right-wing cabal has a "rule of law" chant to distract from Trump-Russia.
With an assist from Devin Nunes.
And now good tool soldier Marsha Blackburn:
But Jeff Sessions is also breaking a promise he made to the Senate Judiciary Committee to recuse himself from anything to do with the Clintons.
And the point of all of this isn't to discover a damn thing.
It's to keep Trump's temper at bay for anywhere from six hours to six days.
And even if it all goes to pot, the seed is planted in the loam brains of Fox News viewers that at the very least, "Both Sides" are equally bad, the end.