October 21, 2017

Fox and Friends along with Jeanine Pirro advised Trump to sick his pet Attorney General on the Clintons and force him to investigate the bogus claims that they illegally sold uranium to the Russians.

Do you think conservatives should read Forbes, "Clinton Commits No Foul In Kazakhstan Uranium Deal," so they can get a real handle on the story?

Jeanine Pirro was particularly outraged - again - about this conspiracy theory.

"And don't tell me it's just nuclear energy. You put your foot on the gas pedal and you can make a real nuclear weapon."

Please, tell her, tell her.

And then co-host Steve Doocy advised Trump on what to do next.

"But here's the thing. If the president were watching right now, all he has got to do to fix one of the things that's a problem for you, is all he has got to do is call Jeff Sessions and say "Mr. Attorney General, you need to go ahead, and the guy who is in the nondisclosure agreement, no reason to have that anymore. Tell us who it is, and have him testify.”

Yes, because the DOJ is the personal arm of the Trump administration, right? And the FBI is just a goon squad that Trump orders to lock up judges he doesn't like or rule against him.

I'm sure right after this segment, Trump reached out to the AG and told him to get to it or he'd call him something worse than an idiot to the press. Only this time, he won't be so nice.

Pirro wasn't finished hyperventilating just yet.

"Jeff Sessions not only needs to get rid of this nondisclosure agreement and allow this guy to talk. He needs to do a grand jury. Bob Mueller, we now know, is totally conflicted. He was the head of the FBI when this was going on. Jim Comey is totally conflicted from all of this stuff. The facts are clear. The whole Obama administration and the whole lot of them were involved in the biggest corrupt scandal is this history."

There you have it. The biggest corrupt scandal in history.

Pirro might want to read something other than Breitbart once in a while too as the LA Times explains: "Why the Justice Department operates free of White House sway"

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