The problem with being Alex Jones is, you always have to up the ante. And now we have the wacky conspiracy-driven Jones predicting the FBI is going to assassinate Trump. Via Media Matters:
"We have caught them in a gigantic, arrogant, foaming at the mouth, arrogance-fueled, rabid dog, reckless, naked, bold ridiculous fraud, run by -- it looks like -- maybe 15 people in the Justice Department and the FBI," Jones said.
"And that really makes me feel good, to know that for all the problems in our government, they tried to keep it down to like 15 people, knowing that it would leak and they'd get in trouble. Which, of course, it did leak and people are going to start covering their butts now because they don't all want to go to prison.
"And I don't know how the Clintons and their operatives in the FBI get away with this. I don't know how Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch, or James Comey, or Eric Holder -- I don't see how Strzok gets away with this. And there's only a couple others. The Justice Department official, his wife at Fusion GPS. I don't see how they put Humpty Dumpty back together again, and that's the issue. They're now at the full cornered hyena point, and we're moving in for the political final blow, and they're going to hit us with whatever else they got," said the fact-challenged Jones.
"I think they're going to go ahead and make their move to kill the president. I think in the next 30 days, I think they're going to make an assassination attempt. I just -- my gut -- I see all of them together, they're that desperate," he said.
Yeah, Alex, they're the desperate ones. Uh huh.
"They're either going to give up or they're going to activate their cells. And a lot of my smart sources agree with that. And they've got a lot of mentally ill Democrats and people inside the Secret Service, inside other places in government. And whenever the Clintons and the Obamas would go into military areas they would have everybody take the clips, the magazines, the ammunition out of their firearms.
"Trump isn't doing that. They are not taking the ammunition out, and I don't think they should. And the president, if he is going to get killed, he's ready to get killed, that's just where this is going to go next. It's going to be like when they killed Julius Caesar, you know what happened to the plotters. They really brought down hell on them then.
"I don't want the president to be killed, but if they are dumb enough to actually do it, boy, they have sealed their warrant of death. They have guaranteed that they are all gonna probably never even see court. They're playing chicken with people that are ready to mash down the accelerator, cause I know I'm mashing it down. I'm pointing my car right at the nose of theirs, so is Trump, that's the spirit."
So now Alex Jones is issuing death threats. I'm sure none of his unhinged listeners would take that seriously -- after all, he says he's a talk show host slash entertainer. And his lawyer insisted he was just "playing a character."
I guess that's as good an excuse as any.