November 21, 2014

To me, all talk of assassinating anyone is talk that should be avoided at all costs, no matter what, unless we're talking about failures of the Secret Service to adequately protect the President of the United States, whoever that is at the time we're talking about it.

Maybe I'm old-fashioned or maybe it's because I can still remember where I was and what I was doing when JFK was shot, when RFK was shot, and when Martin Luther King was shot, but all talk of assassination just makes my blood run cold.

Alex Jones doesn't share my sentiments on this. Not only doesn't he share my sentiments, he imagines a scenario where liberal globalists do it in order to make Obama a martyr. Right Wing Watch:

Yesterday on “InfoWars,” Alex Jones asked listeners what they expect to happen in 2015. As one might expect, InfoWars fans were a bit frightened about the future, and one even suggested that President Obama could be assassinated.

Jones agreed but with a twist, warning that “the real false flag could be an assassination of Obama or it could be an attempted assassination” that would be used to “lionize” the president and demonize his critics.

“Don’t think that even though he’s their Harvard minion and their golden idol, don’t think that the globalists wouldn’t be above assassinating him to create a martyred deity out of him,” he said.

Is it wrong of me to wish that a bolt of lightning would strike in the middle of one of his absurd travels through his own fevered imagination?

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