The former Republican presidential candidate in 2008 may have made as ignorant a statement to support Trump's war on the NFL so far.
October 17, 2017

On Fox News' "Outnumbered," former Republican presidential candidate in 2008 and self made business man Herman Cain made an incredibly ignorant attempt to support Trump's war on the NFL.

With Cain as the #OneLuckyGuy, the topic turned to the NFL players protests and Trump after Hillary Clinton sided with the players, saying, "It was to demonstrate in a peaceful way against racism and injustice in our criminal system.”

Trump created these attacks on the NFL as a way to stimulate his white nationalistic base after he's had so many failings on policy and Clinton's words were just way too much for Cain.

You can imagine that Herman faced as much racial pressure and in justice as any black American growing up so it's baffling why he launched into as myopic a defense of Trump as I've heard.

The entire debate got heated as Fox News' new Democratic strategist Jessica Tarlov, took it to Cain's idiocy pretty hard as well as fighting off Trump supporter Lisa Boothe.

After Sandra Smith played a few audio clips, she said, "Herman Cain, you have the floor."

Cain replied, "First of all, what Hillary said made absolutely no sense because if you go back to what Colin Kaepernick first said, he said, and I quote 'I saw it on video,' this is to protest the injustices in America.” First, there's no rampant injustice in America. We’ve come a long way."

Mr. 999 said, what?

He continued, "I grew up with injustice in the 50s and 60s. Secondly, a lot of people have picked up on that lie and jumped on the bandwagon not knowing what bandwagon they were getting on."

So when law enforcement shoots unarmed black men or targets them for traffic stops, that's a lie?

"And as far as the Black Caucus and everybody else saying they should be allowed to kneel, I have a breaking news announcement — they are not your football team. It’s like any business. You have rules for your workers, for your players and they are going to be expected to adhere to the rules, pure and simple. It is a big lie."

I mean a person can disagree with the players protests on the face of it, but to say there is "no injustice in America" is the real lie, Herman. And for a black man to say that to defend Trump's alt right goons is reprehensible.

Jessica Tarlov jumped in and shot down his specious claims.

"I would say that there are a lot of Americans, actually a majority of Americans who disagree with you about your stance on injustice in America that cuts across racial lines, whites, blacks, Hispanics, believe there is injustice and specifically in our criminal justice system," Tarlov said.

She continued, "This is a tremendous issue for the African-american community something that they are out on the front lines and we saw this throughout the election with the Black Lives Matter movement. I think what Secretary Clinton said was spot on.

Cain brought up Bill Clinton's past policies on three strikes because...Clintons...and apparently the only injustices in America happened in the 90s.

As usual Lisa Boothe parroted Trump and said Colin Kaepernick's positions are either anti-America or anti-police which she loathes and they should just play football.

And then she blamed the left for wanting to do away with traditions.

The Boy Scouts are now doomed!

Jessica replied, "Trump spent more time on Steph Curry, Lebron James and his NFL players than on Puerto Rico."

"He said that people on the left want's to do away with tradition spread, we don't. We want to make sure this country is equal for all that everyone is represented."

Furious, Cain yelled "With all due respect, this is what's wrong with this whole discussion. You're talking about the criminal justice system, but a lot of people who are on this bandwagon are talking about America, in general, has all of this injustice. No it does not!"

Yes, it really does.

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