It's wondrous how certain Fox News personalities can shift any topic that's critical of Trump away from him and morph it into a completely unrelated topic.
September 25, 2017

It's wondrous how certain Fox News personalities can shift any topic that's critical of Trump away from him and morph it into a completely unrelated topic.

Fox News' Outnumbered program opened with Jason Chaffetz as the #OneLuckyGuy and they discussed Trump's attacks of the NFL and the responses the league had on Sunday.

Co-host "Kennedy" is all for player protests but wants them to focus their energy on something tangible like a piece of legislation.

As if making known your displeasure at the way certain police officers have racially profiled and then killed unarmed African Americans weren't cause enough.

But Harris Faulkner wins the "say, what?" award by spinning the player protests of police violence against her own community into a 'black on black' Chicago thing.

I kid you not. I thought I saw the apparition of Rudy Giuliani seep out from her body for a quick second pulling her strings.

Harris even brought Martin Luther King into play and said, "In Chicago - two hundred and sixteen people shot and some killed," she said. "80% projected to be African American based on the statistics we know from previous years."

She continued, "If there are people who are dying of gun violence it is happening in droves in [Chicago] If you're gonna take a knee, why don't you go to the streets of Chicago and do what Dr. King did so effectively."

"I'm wondering why we're doing it in the stadiums of escapism as Kennedy out it."

First of all, Harris is not one of [them] players protesting in football stadiums so I have no idea what she is talking about or why she believes she's an NFL player.

"Why is it happening there, why shouldn't it be happening on the streets and why, whether it's death by cop, death by neighbor, death by whatever - it's happening in droves in the city of Chicago!"

Whatevs, HF.

Chaffetz came back and said he's worried these prima donnas are teaching our kids not to recite the pledge of allegiance.

Jason came up with a new description of the president and said he thought Trump "overspoke" by calling the players SOB's, but was really chapped that these rich sports celebrities had the nerve to protest the National Anthem when he wants to just watch a football game.

"When the president is standing with the flag, he's gonna win that argument every time."

Faulkner was still on a roll, "So why is it Kennedy, why do you think that we cannot talk about black on black crime? Cause that's what I'm talking about."

Yes, we get it, Harris. You want to turn a bad situation around that Trump has created for himself and meld it with Trump's moronic 'law and order platform' (Which the police even denounced) that focused on Chicago.

However, what NFL players say and do is not subject to Faulkner's approval. Poor Harris.

Harris continued, "I'm not talking about what they're taking a knee for right now in the NFL. I'm talking about the total picture. If black lives matter, why don't they matter as much in Chicago?"

They do, but you've gone off on your own tangent that has nothing to do with the NFL players protests or the kerfuffle Trump has caused, yet again.

Kennedy wondered if the point the NFL players were making was not to play the national anthem anymore. Hmmm, what do you think?

Maybe Fox news could invite some NFL players who are not a staunch Trump supporters on and ask why they're protesting? Just a thought.

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