Gov. LePage: Removing Confederate Statues Just Like Tearing Down NYC 9/11 Memorial
August 18, 2017

Maine Governor Paul LePage told WGAN-AM's Ken Altshuler and Matt Gagnon that the idea of lefties wanting to get rid of Confederate monuments is just like going to "New York City right now and taking down the monument of those who perished in 9/11. That, it will come to that."

Is there any Governor more odious than Paul LePage?

How is that comparison even on the same plane of existence? All monuments are not created equal, you cretinous a-hole.

You don't revel in the good old days of the south, who traitorously seceded from the country and fought a four year bloody battle to keep slavery alive in America.

To all you jackass Trump surrogates, we have a President's Day, (Washington's Birthday) a national holiday celebrated in late February, but Jefferson Davis, the president of the Confederate States is not celebrated as a national holiday. This is because Davis was the president of treason, no more and no less.

The host at least knew that those Confederate statues that Trump, the KKK and Gov. LePage are so worried and enraged about were put there to intimidate the African American community during the civil right's movement.

LaPage's response was "Oh, come on. That's today. Next week George Washington is gone."

That would never happen, you sniveling biotch.

LePage then compared the removal of confederate statues to that of the Taliban in Afghanistan and the toppling of Saddam monuments in Iraq.

Why, Maine? Why? Listen to Paul LePage spew stupid below:

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