Sean Hannity Pretends To Care About ‘The American People’ As He Demands GOP Take Away Health Insurance
July 15, 2017

Sean Hannity is in a snit that Republicans are not as enthusiastic about unpopular, life-threatening Trumpcare as he is. But he’s pretending to speak out on behalf of “you, the American people.” In reality, he's doing the exact opposite.

Hannity made his first phony play at concern for Americans in his teaser for his monologue last night:

HANNITY: Republicans, they have been promising you, the American people, since 2010 they would repeal and replace Obamacare. I have a message for Washington Republicans - get your act together. That is next.

Then in his monologue:

HANNITY: So will GOP lawmakers finally, after seven years, uphold their promise and repeal and replace Obamacare? Tonight we’re holding Washington accountable, and it is the subject of our mini-monologue.

If Hannity really cared about upheld promises, he’d be bugging Donald Trump about violating his promises that Trumpcare would have insurance for everybody, regardless of their income; that he would not cut Medicaid; that people would still get coverage of pre-existing conditions; and that “nobody is going to be better on women’s health issues than Donald Trump,” for example.

There’s also Hannity’s own violated promise to be waterboarded for charity, but I digress.

Hannity played clips of Republican Sen. John McCain saying he thought the bill would have had a better chance of passing with Democratic input and Republican Sen. Susan Collins expressing concern about deep cuts to Medicaid. Hannity followed up by suggesting they should be ashamed for bothering themselves with such matters as democracy and constituents’ health:

HANNITY: Remember, these are the same pathetic, weak Republicans, spineless Republican senators - they vowed to completely repeal and replace Obamacare. They said, "Give us the House in 2010, give us the Senate in 2014. Give us the presidency in 2016, we’ll get this done." Remember?

But here’s what Hannity completely ignored: Trumpcare is not only wildly unpopular, it’s actually life threatening. Under the first version of the Senate bill, 23 million Americans were predicted to lose their health insurance. The newly-revised bill looks even worse.

Hannity can probably afford all the health care he and his family needs or wants, so why should he worry?

But to pretend he’s foisting this GOP death panel on millions of others in the name of altruism is beyond obscene:

HANNITY: I have a message for all of you in Washington. You know what? You cannot give up on repealing the quote “Affordable Care Act.” You made us a promise, the American people, for seven years. You guaranteed you’d end ObamaCare. You assured all of us you would develop a health care bill that actually worked for the American people.

Stop your whining, roll up your sleeves, get to work, put your egos aside, get it done. You were elected to lead. Make tough decisions. Get this thing over the finish line and do it for the American people. And stop with the vacations. They didn’t elect you to capitulate and whine and complain and fall down on your face. This is pathetic. Do your job.

Americans want Obamacare fixed, not repealed. But Hannity acted as though we're all clamoring for Trumpcare that's being needlessly blocked by Republicans.

It’s bad enough that Sean Hannity is a one-man Donald-Trump-propaganda machine on cable news. But nobody should let him get away with pretending he’s thinking about we, the people. Especially since almost 3 million more of us voted for Hillary Clinton than for his beloved.

Watch Hannity’s deception below, from the July 13, 2017 Hannity show.

Crossposted at News Hounds.
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