It only took Hannity and his producers over at Fox a full day to figure out what lie they wanted to tell for damage control after the Arizona Supreme Court reinstated a draconian abortion ban from 1864.
April 11, 2024

It only took Hannity and his producers over at Fox a full day to figure out what lie they wanted to tell for damage control after the Arizona Supreme Court reinstated a draconian abortion ban from 1864.

As I discussed in my post on Byron York's ridiculous spin on the ruling, Fox spent very little time covering the ruling in Arizona. Media Matters did a deep dive on Fox following the ruling, and just how little time they spent covering it, and Fox basically buried it, which is what I saw as well when searching transcripts for their coverage of the issue.

So after a full day, here's what Hannity finally came up with to finally respond to what happened in Arizona, and it was basically the same thing flip-flopper Kari Lake said... Gov. Katie Hobbs and the State Legislature need to fix the mess I helped to make.

The big difference is, Hannity decided to go on this rant after the Republicans in the State Legislature blocked the Democrats from advancing bills to roll back what the court just did.

Of course, Hannity assumes all of his viewers are too stupid or too entrenched in Fox to ever check another "news" source to find out otherwise.

During his opening this Wednesday, while ranting that the media is biased against Trump, and mocking clips from other networks warning of the dangers of a second Trump presidency, Hannity again downplayed the "dictator on day one" remarks before going on a screed about Obamacare, and then this lie-filled insanity:

HANNITY: And the people on the left are so desperate attacking Trump now for an Arizona Supreme Court ruling that upholds what is a Civil War-era law banning abortion. This will be fixed in the next week or two. Let not your heart be troubled. I can pretty much assure that will happen.

Trump opposes the law and this ruling, or you can believe Joe's make pretend Donald Trump that doesn't exist.

And you know what? Arizona’s governor is a Democrat. The state’s attorney general is a Democrat. The state legislature is almost evenly divided. If Democrats, you want to get rid of the law, well, you have a chance right now to get rid of it. And I would advise you, get rid of it!

They would rather use it as a political tool ahead of November. Most politicians on the left do not actually care about making your life better, otherwise they'd be screaming bloody murder about the clear and present danger that Joe is creating at our border by aiding and abetting over 10 million illegal, un-vetted immigrants that Joe's allowed into the country from countries like China, Russia, Iran, Syria, Egypt and Afghanistan.

They only care about winning elections and holding onto power.

More projection. It's all they've got. This is what it looks like when the dog catches the car.

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