Hokey Smokes, Bullwinkle! What a wk. it's been.
The Rectification of Names (always worth a look) on healthcare & Senators, esp. those from the Terrible Sand Kingdom of Arizonastan. (Arid Zone snark courtesy fellow rounder-upper Tengrain.)
At Moyers & company, Leonard Steinhorn notes: "To [Trump] and his fans, the '60s undermined what was good and virtuous in America." Maybe the new White House Chief of Staff, being a former jarhead general (& a "Great American", whatever the hell that means) can put his experience in mass murder to use & really get the kulturkampf going.
Rayne at emptywheel sees three things.
Echidne Of The Snakes asks: What Should Women Wear?
Photos of Feline Friends! Sadly, No! First Draft.
Uh-oh, post-deadline already! Enjoy your wknds., or else! M. (Web of Evil) Bouffant.