Kellyanne Conjob proves, yet again, why she is worth all those rubles. She lies through her forked tongue with soulless, dead eyes and a heart of stone.
June 25, 2017

The White House put out the O.G. sanctimonious, lying sack of bones on today's Sunday shows to talk about the new Trumpcare / AHCA bill. Yup, Kellyanne "Gutter Trash Barbie" Conway almost made me throw up my breakfast bright and early this morning.

She rhetorically talked host George Stephanopoulos in circles, around, upside down and inside out trying to defend the utterly indefensible Trumpcare / AHCA bill which would lead to between millions of Americans losing health coverage within ten years. The House version kicks off 23 million by 2026, but the CBO reports the number could be as high as 51 million by 2026.

Just a reminder, this despicable and craven bill is purely to enrich the wealthy, insurance companies and drug companies while gutting coverage to middle and lower class, children, elderly, drug addicted and the mentally ill.

So how do you defend this absolutely disgusting bill? You bring out the big guns, i.e., the Goebbels Girl of the White House.

Here is a little bit of her doublespeak interview with George Stephanopulos. Warning: she is so nauseating to listen to that you may need a Dramamine to not vomit.

STEPHANOPOULOS: A lot of senators have questions about the Senate bill, particularly those cuts in Medicaid. More than $800 billion.

I want to show the president's first speech when he announced for president.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, THEN-CANDIDATE: Save Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security without cuts, have to do it.


STEPHANOPOULOS: The president right there said no cuts in Medicaid, had several tweets on that same subject. This bill has more Medicaid cuts than the House bill. Why is the president going back on his promise?

CONWAY: These are not cuts to Medicaid, George. This slows the rate for the future and it allows governors more flexibility with Medicaid dollars because they're closest to the people in need. Medicaid's imperative, its founding was meant to help the poor, the sick, the needy, the disabled children, some elderly women, particularly pregnant women. We are trying to get Medicaid back to its original moorings.


STEPHANOPOULOS: Kellyanne, I don't see how you can say the more than $800 billion in savings is not cuts. And you don't have to take my word for it, it's the Republican senators you're facing right now who have that problem, led by Senator Dean Heller in Nevada. He said he's voting no. Also Senator Susan Collins. Here's what they said.


SEN. DEAN HELLER (R), NEVADA: First, it doesn't protect Nevadans on Medicaid. Second, the cuts to Medicaid threatens critical services in Nevada, services that a lot of Nevadans depend on.

SEN. SUSAN COLLINS (R), MAINE: It cannot support a bill that's going to make such deep cuts in Medicaid that it's going to shift billions of dollars of costs to our state governments.


STEPHANOPOULOS: So these senators are the ones saying these are Medicaid cuts. Is the president prepared to put more money back into Medicaid?

CONWAY: The president is prepared to have a conversation, a discussion, a negotiation with those senators and others. I would point out for the few who say that they're currently a no, you're talking about 45 or more who are currently yeses. So that tells you something.

Yeah, it tells us that most Republicans in Congress don't care at all about Americans.

BUT THEY ARE NOT CUTS, she screamed while waving her decrepit hands around!

CONWAY: You keep calling them as cuts. But we don't see them as cuts. It's slowing the rate of growth in the future and getting Medicaid back to where it was. Obamacare expanded the pool of Medicaid recipients beyond its original intentions.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Again, it's the Republican senators calling this cuts. It's the experts calling this cuts. There's no way you can say...

We could keep going through the entire interview, but it's more of the same. Conway just simply gaslights the nation, denying what everyone else says is true, for no other reason than to bring the political discourse down to gutter level trash. Who let her out of her crypt in the basement?

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