May 22, 2017

Joe Lieberman is rumored to be Trump's top choice for the new F.B.I. director. Some in the media have commented that he's a strange choice, and I have to admit that I thought the same.

After all, Lieberman has no law enforcement background whatsoever. He's not exactly Republican and not quite a Democrat either. Some speculated that this was perhaps a strategy of Trump's to get votes from both sides.

Whenever trying to figure out Trump, trying to understand his decisions, you must always remember one thing: Trump makes decisions based on loyalty and what will benefit him the most. That's it.

He's not considering Joe Lieberman because he will make conservatives somewhat happy, nor is he hoping that Democrats will acquiesce. He's considering Lieberman because he and his law firm have been loyal to Trump for more than a decade. Lieberman's law firm, Kasowitz, Benson and Torress LLP, have represented Donald Trump in many lawsuits and continue to do so today.

But their loyalty doesn't end there. Marc Kasowitz gave $150,000 to Trump Victory and $5,400 to the Trump/Pence campaign. His wife, Lori gave Trump Victory an additional $50,000 and $5,400 to Trump/Pence. Trump raked in $300,000 more for his inaugural campaign through the law firm itself. (All data came from FEC filings.)

If Trump does select Lieberman, this is a clear pay for play scenario and Congress must deny his appointment.

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