There were parts of Morning Joe that were more bearable than usual today, one of those parts being the legacy of Mika's recently deceased father, Zbigniew Brzezinski. Mika and Joe spoke of a time where presidents weren't man-baby-spoiled, ignorant men with below average intellect and unmanageable egos, the time when her father served in the Carter Administration.
President Carter phoned in very high praise of his former National Security Adviser. Perhaps the death of his fiancee's father and hearing a man as eloquent as Carter made Joe have second thoughts about being a Republican, maybe he feels guilty because Mr. Brzezinski would likely find that sort of patriotic disloyalty unacceptable.
Around Christmas, before the installation of the despot-from-hell, Prince Charles warned of creeping fascism led by megalomaniacs like Trump, Never fear, Joe is here to warn Trump and his sycophant-nationalist-racist pals that the old adage about those who don't know history are ...
SCARBOROUGH: The question is why do Republicans, Republicans I respect like Bob Corker, say this was a fantastic trip when the fact is, you actually have 70 years of U.S. policy that we paid for in blood sweat and tears, and gold, up-ended by Donald Trump. When are republicans going to come out and say, he not only embarrassed us in Europe, but he set back --
MIKA: He destroyed.
SCARBOROUGH-- he set back the central tenet of U.S.. foreign policy in a way we can't even fathom, right now.
HEILEMANN: This was not in keeping with the way Republicans have dealt with Donald Trump, in principle or policy, where he was at variance with what they believed for a long time, this has been,consistent, right? Your party,Joe, has been, has been ENABLING--
SCARBOROUGH: I don't know how much longer people are going to be able to say that. I'm dead serious. When you start saluting someone for hurting America and helping Vladimir Putin, I don't know how much longer people are going to continue to stand by this (REPUBLICAN) 'president,' for the most part.
Joe is shocked by the behavior of Erdogan and his body guards who beat up peaceful American protesters in AMERICA! Naturally, Trump said not a peep, didn't write one Tweet. He is seeing, just now, what a dictatorial monster he is? If he cared to look, many have written about Trump's affinity for autocrats and dictators and their respective Kleptocracies, for many months. A little late to the party Joe?
SCARBOROUGH: He embraces an autocrat in Turkey, who stands by his limousine and watches Turkish thugs brutalize American citizens and doesn't say anything. He defends Vladimir Putin and attacks U.S. Army Vets who fought in Iraq saying, oh, you think Putin's bad for killing people. Look at what we did in Iraq. Comparing army vets, marines, to Vladimir Putin. -- he embraces autocrats. He's comfortable with autocrats. He's just not comfortable with elected democratic leaders. .
FRANK BRUNI where's the high-minded rhetoric we used to associate with the Presidency?
BRZEZINSKI: We're losing our place in the world.
Thanks both-siderists for finally catching on, I guess there's enough ''evidence" that many Republican Senators don't see, even John McCain, but who knows what they've seen in the closed-door sessions. Bob Corker is hardly unique. They all tow the party line.
Finally, an admission from the Morning Republican on the payroll. Better late than never?
No, it's too late buddy, we will NEVER forget all those who helped this man while denigrating Hillary Clinton. We, as in those of us who pay attention. Your GOP-media moguls will never hold you accountable. People who have a memory remember that you and Mika were complicit as Hell. But for now, Joe is playing the morality card.
We had the Secretary of State -- had the Secretary of State saying we're no longer going to look at human rights and other values and assessing whether someone is a friend or enemy. How ironic that you actually had Republicans, Conservatives, now for the most part hypocrites, attacking Barack Obama for eight years, and I attacked Barack Obama for eight years, for being far kinder to our enemies like Iran, than our traditional allies. Now, where are these hypocrites when Donald Trump is doing that ten times over?
Hate to break it to you Joe, you need to look no further than the nearest mirror. Your new-found penance will not erase your insidious role in electing this disaster.