Fox and Friends chided Elizabeth Warren this morning after the Massachusetts Senator tweeted this:
Trump told us that he reversed his campaign promises of "America First" by approving a limited attack on a Syrian air base in response to images he saw about children dying from a chemical attack in Syria.
After discussing The Masters golf tournament (yeah), Fox and Friends then turned to blaming President Obama for the Syrian gas attack that killed over 70 people because he did not get all of the chemical weapons out of Assad's hands even though the deal was for Russia to remove all chemical weapons.
Steve Doocy then read Warren's tweet.
He immediately replied, "In other words, let us open our arms to the Syrian refugees, many of whom have absolutely no paperwork."
Brian Kilmeade followed up by saying it wasn't the paper work at all, "Right, the problem is not the kids coming over. It's the parents with the kids that we know nothing about. His first obligation is to keep Americans safe."
Wait, is it their paperwork or their parents? They seem so confused.
The U.S. has the most rigorous vetting program in the world and it takes up to two years for any refugee to be admitted to the United States.
However, as noted by PolitiFact, the vetting process for refugees is "length[y]" and "incredibly controlled." Additionally, BuzzFeed pointed out, "The U.S. has one of the most robust security screening processes in the world" and the "complex process takes an average of 18 to 24 months."
So, yeah, STEVE. They actually do have all their paperwork, Steve.
The other couch idiot, Brian Kilmeade then read poll numbers from a (PDF link) HuffPost/YouGov survey that said 80% of Trump voters supported the attack, which is not shocking at all, but disingenuous.
The overall poll results showed the country was almost split down the middle on the attack itself, but many more people thought the strike would have no effect on the Syrian situation.
A weird moment in the F&F segment was when Ainsley Earhardt promised to interview a Syrian child saying, "If you want to know what the Syrian children think about all this, we'll be interviewing one coming up in the show in 10-15 minutes."
"Elizabeth Warren should wake up and watch this interview. We're gonna ask him because he's a huge proponent too, of President Trump and says finally America is stepping up to the plate and helping us," Earhart said.
As a U.S. Senator, I'm sure Warren has access to real information about the Syrian refugee issue, Ainsley.
Take a look at the Syrian child they interviewed.