The new conservative boogeyman, Dr. Evelyn Farkas, responded to the nonsense conservatives have drummed up about her in order to defend Trump's bogus Obama wiretap claims.
Earlier this week, Fox News and Fox and Friends aired a clip from her March 2nd interview on MSNBC's Morning Joe, taking her out of context to defend Trump.
Shortly after, Sean Spicer used the clip during his press briefing and then he used it again on Friday, to declare that it "proves" Obama ordered Trump wiretapped.
When a NPR reporter told him she left the Obama administration in 2015, Spicer blamed her for not interviewing Farkas.
On March 30th, Evelyn appeared on MSNBC to clear the air.
She said, "There is a total distortion of what I said and what I was talking about. I was talking about the fact that, I was outside of government. I had no access to intelligence on this whatsoever, but I was concerned because I knew how the Russians operate, and I was reading these reports about them hacking into the elections and then giving the information to Wikipedia and that Trump people, Trump team people were going to Moscow and, you know, there was a lot of reporting on this."
Farkas continued, "And so I got worried that the process wasn't being followed with regard to Capitol hill, with regard to Congress. Because it wasn't clear to me that the White House was keeping them in the loop. And that was really important, especially since we're about to have a transition in the government."
Don't forget, this is the primary concern of the Trump White House these days. They must prove that Trump's insane tweet accusing Barack Obama of a FELONY wiretapping is true. Conservatives are looking for any crumb to use to defend their so-called president.
Don't they have a first-world nation to run? Nevermind.