While discussing the merits of California State Senator De León's SB 54 Bill on immigration and his admission that half De León's family has fake documents, California state senator Joel Anderson wondered if California's two million undocumented workers then voted illegally against Trump with those fake I.D.'s in the general election.
Fox News' Steve Doocy was up in arms that California was aiming to give some sanctuary to undocumented workers in opposition to Trump's executive orders and asked, "He [De Leon] suggested it's OK for people in this country illegally do whatever it takes to survive...You gotta have a Social Security number, a driver's license or a green card which they get illegally. How big a problem is that?"
Anderson said, "We don't know. We estimate there are two million people undocumented here in California alone, but the big question is, did they vote with those documents because if they did, that's the voter fraud that President Trump is talking about."
I think anybody with a brain, Mr. Anderson, will tell you that a person can't walk into a polling station, flash an ID, fake or not and vote. You have to be on the voter rolls and if you have a fake ID, it's a fake. Get it? California does not require ID at the polling place, but it is required to register to vote, and those registrations are checked against DMV databases before voters are added to the rolls. IDs for green card holders are clearly identified, too.
He continued, "I think that is a serious issue and should be investigated."
Talk about playing to Fox News' base.
Steve Doocy wasn't even alluding to voter fraud when this segment was pitched because he would have lead with that to support his BFF, Trump.
Anderson also denigrated the bill by saying it shields rapists and murderers from being deported, but as De Leon stated, "everyone booked into jail has their fingerprints taken — information sent “in real time” to the Department of Homeland Security. “This measure does not impede the enforcement of federal immigration law.”
Does he think undocumented people WANT to be run through government databases, especially if they committed crimes?
Is there any wonder that politicians like Joel Anderson are relegated to a super minority status in California?