December 1, 2016

Anti-immigration zealot and the Kansas Secretary of State told reporters, without any proof, that millions of non U.S. citizens voted in the general election, which caused Hillary Clinton to win the popular vote

Kris Kobach, the man who authored Arizona's despicable SB1070, "show me your papers" law, used a heavily derided study released by two Old Dominion University political scientists in 2014 to then postulate that the amount of non-citizens voting was around 3.2 million.

Kobach said, "If we apply that number to the current presidential election … you’d have 3.2 million aliens voted in the presidential election, and that far exceeds the current popular vote margin between President-elect Trump and Secretary Clinton.”

The Wichita Eagle writes: The Cooperative Congressional Election Study, the source of the raw data for the study, has disputed the Old Dominion analysts’ conclusions, calling their study biased and saying in 2014 “that the likely percent of non-citizen voters in recent US elections is 0.”

Facebook faces a problem transmitting fake news, but Trump surrogates do it just as regulatory as those conspiracy theorists and Russian propaganda bots do on social media.

Kobach also said, "I think the president-elect is absolutely correct when he says the number of illegal votes cast exceeds the popular vote margin between him and Hillary Clinton at this point.”

Even if over three million votes were cast, illegally, Kobach has no way of knowing how many voted for each candidate, but Kris still said, "You could probably conclude that a very high percentage voted for Hillary Clinton."

A reporter asked, "You don't have any hard, physical evidence that this happened. You're pulling these numbers out of the air"

Kobach said, "That's incorrect, we have hard physical evidence in Kansas..."

The reporter said, "A handful."

Another reporter jumped in and said, "Only three of them voted over a decade."

This, ladies and gentlemen, is insane.

Trump and his supporters are making false claims about nonexistent voters based on nonexistent "facts."

If this was a court of law, they would be laughed out of it.

But he's a very real part of the Trump team.

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