The Outnumbered show waited for the confirmation vote for Betsy DeVos as Education Secretary the Fox News way: by attacking Democrats. But cohost Meghan McCain took the obnoxious venom to a lower level by referring to Senator Elizabeth Warren as “Pocahontas.” Right after McCain attacked Democrats for being too negative.
The discussion began with lectures from the Foxies about how Democratic tactics are failing (which, as I’ve said before, is a sure sign they are working).
Noted political scientist and education expert Antonio Sabàto, Jr. (better known as a former model and D-list actor and Trump supporter who has repeatedly blown the "Obama's a secret Muslim" dog whistle on Fox) complained that the confirmation process took too long.
Cohost Abby Huntsman agreed and took a swipe at Democrats for being “frustrating.” Never mind that DeVos, a billionaire enemy of public education, is unqualified and conflicted and Republicans rammed through her nomination without providing adequate information.
Given that Huntsman recently made a splash by pushing a bogus statistic about food stamp fraud and then used it to “just ask” if that meant we should eliminate the program altogether, one can understand why she wouldn’t mind having someone like DeVos in charge of education.
Cohost Harris Faulkner scolded that Democrats are playing to their base by fighting and asked rhetorically, “Does losing play to your base, too?”
“It’s the only message they have right now is that, ‘We hate Donald Trump, we hate his entire cabinet, everyone he puts into place is evil and is Hitler,’” Cohost Meghan McCain said. “That is not a message that’s gonna inspire people.” This from the woman who said on a previous Outnumbered show that she loved then-vice presidential candidate Carly Fiorina because, “She rips out [Hillary Clinton’s] jugular and serves it to me on a platter, which is what I want coming up in the election.” Of course, nobody reminded McCain of that.
Cohost Sandra Smith reprimanded Democrats for being too anti-Trump and “not picking their fights.”
Faulkner attempted to delegitimize the opposition by “just wondering” why Democrats didn’t talk much about education at their convention. In fact, they did. I counted three speakers from the field of education, plus the daughter of the principal at Sandy Hook Elementary school. Hillary Clinton talked about the subject in her speech. I’m sure others included it within the broader confines of theirs, too.
Then, at about eight minutes in, Faulkner opened up the discussion for smearing Senator Elizabeth Warren. McCain picked up the opening and ran with it. Faulkner was shocked, shocked, I tell you.
FAULKNER: One thing this morning that we saw was Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren saying, you know, among the Democrats, she takes this personally. And so she might have been one who, if she were on the campaign trail for president –
MCCAIN: Why does Pocahontas take this personally?
FAULKNER: Oh, my goodness.
MCCAIN: I mean, that’s her nickname and I’m – our president calls her that and I’m going to call her that, too.
Let’s not forget that it was just moments ago that McCain was lecturing Democrats that hate is “the only message” they have. Memo to McCain: You’re not looking like you’ve anything else, yourself.
Watch it above, from the February 7, 2017 Outnumbered.
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