November 18, 2016

Sen. Jeff Sessions was deemed to racially controversial to be confirmed as a federal judge under Ronald Reagan's presidency, but Trump has now tabbed him as his new Attorney General.

While discussing Trump's controversial choice, CNN's Alisyn Camerota asked if Sen. Sessions racism was far enough in his past not to be a problem any longer and Navarro responded, "Well, I'm not sure there's a statute of limitation for racism."

So far President-elect Donald Trump is choosing his most loyal supporters for important positions in our government, including Alt right extremists like Stephen Bannon and warmongering/anti-Islamic, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn.

ON CNN's New Day, host Alisyn Camerota asked Ana Navarro her thoughts about the new report and Ana satirically said, "Well, it looks like it's shaping up to be a very diverse cabinet so far."

Camerota replied, "Different white men of different ages, or, no, all the same?"

I don't think different aged white men counts as a form of diversity.

Ana said that Trump was rewarding his loyal supporters, who are "hardline people."

Navarro continued, "What we are seeing from his early picks, whether it be Steve Bannon, whether it be General Flynn, whether it be Jeff Sessions, is that, no, he is not moderating. Jeff Sessions was considered too racist, too controversial in the '80s to be confirmed for a federal judgeship."

Alisyn replied, "That was a while ago. I mean, what we've just heard is that he's been a Senator --

Navarro cut in and said, " Well, I'm not sure there's a statute of limitation for racism."

There is not a statute of limitation for racism, but a person may be somewhat forgiven if they apologize for that past behavior and then go out and prove that to the country by their actions.

Sen. Sessions has done neither of those things and that's sweet music to David Duke's ears.

UPDATE: PFAW had this response.

People for the American Way (PFAW), a liberal advocacy group, slammed the choice of Sessions for the Justice Department.

“The last time Senator Sessions sought Senate confirmation was 1986 when he was nominated to be a federal judge,” PFAW President Michael Keegan said in a statement.

“Despite the fact that Republicans controlled the chamber at the time, he was rejected because of a long history of racially insensitive remarks and a disastrous record on civil rights,” he added of Sessions, the first Senator to back Trump’s Oval Office bid.

“In the last 30 years, Sessions has done nothing that demonstrates the Senate’s judgment was incorrect or that he’s learned from his mistakes. If anyone still thinks that Donald Trump might govern with more responsibility or moderation than he campaigned, this nomination is a wakeup call. The Senate should reject this nomination.”

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