Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III Confirmed As Attorney General
February 8, 2017

Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III, champion of voter suppression, is now going to be our new Attorney General.

Sessions was confirmed on a nearly straight party-line vote, 52-47, with Sessions abstaining from the vote after Democrats held the floor for the full 30-hour debate period. West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin was the only Democrat to vote in the affirmative.

There was little that could be done to prevent his confirmation, but what could be done was done, with Senator Elizabeth Warren being silenced in the process.

I'll expect the Civil Rights Division of the DOJ to be marginalized in the days to come, and immigration enforcement stepped up. It's what Sessions has wanted and worked toward for years.

As for Joe Manchin, I fully expect him to change parties in the days to come. I don't see how he can keep pretending he's a Democrat at all.

After the vote was announced, Republicans on the Senate floor burst into applause as their colleague was coronated.

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