Lewis Black gives us one of the best Get Out The Vote screeds of 2016:
"Vote! Or I'll Track Your Asses Down!"
On last night's Daily Show, Lewis was particularly short tempered with voters who were willing to go to the polls for marijuana legalization, but were on the fence in the Hillary versus Donald contest.
Why choose? Why not vote for weed to be president? At least then, if this country goes down in flames, we’ll all get a nice contact high. On the other hand, if Trump gets elected — weed’s not going to help. You’re going to need a f*cking anesthetic. And by anesthetic, I mean a suppository about this big that I’m going to shove up each and every one of your asses!
P.S. Lewis Black's warnings should be enough, but just in case you need more info? Republicans want to take away your pot AND your no-cost birth control. AND control your uterus. Think about it.