'Christian' Haunted House Banned From Chicago School Over Depiction Of Orlando Mass Shooting
October 30, 2016

A public Chicago elementary school has cancelled a Christian haunted house after learning that the event would include depictions of mass shootings.

According to Windy City Times, Chicago Public School officials backed out of their agreement to have Tyrone Tappler Productions host a haunted house at Fernwood Elementary School because advertisements for the event indicated that it would include a reenactment of the mass shooting at Orlando's Pulse Club, an LGBT bar where over 50 people died earlier this year.

An advertisement obtained by Windy City Times said that the event would be a "Christian interactive experience" called "THE ROOM, 'A JOURNEY TO HELL'."

"You will walk in 10 Rooms and encounter individuals who will make choices. The choice is life or death; sin or salvation; heaven or hell. The scenes will be action-packed, real and jaw dropping"

A notice on Facebook asked for volunteers: "Club Pulse, Dancers, Victims … CAGED PEOPLE/SCREAMERS, Extras needed trying to escape a cage! … SOUNDS INTERESTING? COME OUT THIS SATURDAY!!!"

"Among other scenarios reportedly depicted in the haunted house were a botched abortion and the 2015 Charleston church shooting," the paper reported.

Chicago Public Schools announced on Oct. 28 that the event had been cancelled.

"The event organizers mischaracterized the true content of the event, and we did not approve any association with the activities the organizers have now advertised," said Passman. "The event will not be held on CPS property," a statement from CPS said.

(h/t: News Now Next via Christian Nightmares)

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